5 Reasons Why Writing Skills Matter When Analyzing Big Data

  • By Jessica Fender
  • 30-03-2021
  • Big Data
big data analyze

Whether you sell goods through eCommerce, outsource your services or produce content for online publishing, your business inevitably generates data. No matter the scale at which you operate, harnessing Big Data for your business’ benefit is a great step toward digitalization. According to published reports, 91.6% of companies worldwide have increased their Big Data adoption pace, with two-thirds experiencing a reduction in operational expenses as a result.

However, knowing how to write Big Data reports for your colleagues and decision-makers within your company is also an important factor to consider. Let’s discuss why writing skills matter when it comes to analyzing Big Data, as well as the benefits of introducing such analytics to your business.

1.    Introduce Practical Big Data to your Business
What is Big Data all about? Big Data represents the amalgamation of all of your business’ data generated from the moment it started to exist as a corporate entity. Based on recent findings, 95% of businesses cite the management of unstructured data as an operational problem, with 80-90% of data generated worldwide being unstructured.

Adopting a more organized approach to managing internal corporate data can save your company time and resources aplenty. Your executives will have a much easier time making important decisions and everyone in the software companies will have unprecedented access to workflow-related analytics. Thus, the benefits of learning how to rely on Big Data are:

●    The improved pricing model for your products/services with higher profit margins
●    Better workflow efficacy and task delegation for individual departments
●    Improved overview of your business’s reputation and online engagement
●    Better insight into potential innovation, upgrades and cost reduction

In order for a business to achieve that however, proper writing of said Big Data analytics reports should be applied. What are the practical reasons why you should adopt a more careful and systematic approach to writing Big Data analytics in 2021?

2.    Optimize Reports for Scanning & Skimming
Given how Big Data analytics rely on numeric data, graphs and empiric research, they can sometimes be difficult to read for untrained professionals. Worse yet, your own work as an analyst can suffer if the reports are poorly formatted and lack any form of systematic indexing.

Instead of leaving it to chance, your writing skills can serve to make sure each Big Data report is as readable and scannable as possible. You can also rely on Grademiners review to get insight into how optimizing your word count, formatting and headings can make the report high quality. The care you put into formatting the report will reflect in your coworkers’ ability to read and learn from your Big Data analytics.

3.    Good Balance to Visualized Data
As we’ve mentioned, Big Data reports are inherently reliant on analytics which can strain the reader without any additional context. After all, gathering empirical data and forming it into comparative graphics is the easiest way to present your findings to others.

Instead of filling the report with charts, infographic content and graphs, you can write short paragraphs interspersed between visualized data. If you publish reports on the web for remote colleagues, adding a sticky header to your website can further improve the legibility of your reports. It will make your reports more appealing even to Big Data laymen and make it easy for anyone to understand the analytics outcomes.

4.    Easier Keyword Optimization & Indexing
Organizing your Big Data reports for future reference is an extremely important part of taking advantage of the process to begin with. With good writing skills and careful formatting, you can easily index your reports based on different keywords, projects, industries, dates, etc.

Choose the keywords specific to your business and product portfolio and don’t deviate from them. Get into the habit of using the same keywords and phrases throughout your Big Data reports and anyone will be able to access them quickly. Finding a seemingly insignificant report from two years ago will become an afterthought, and you will effectively enable your coworkers to use your reports autonomously.

5.    Access to a Larger Pool of Ideas & Feedback
Since a bigger pool of people will know how to read your Big Data reports with proper writing skills, you will also have more feedback. Anyone who reads your analytics will be able to easily spot improvement opportunities, give their own thoughts on the analytics and pitch project ideas easily.

This is the direct result of ensuring that more employees can make heads and tails of your writing, so take your time. Ensure that all of your reports are unified when formatting and indexing are concerned and your business will flourish as a result.

Big Data Analytics Facts to Keep in Mind
Your writing skills will inevitably improve how Big Data reports are written in your app development company. However, it’s also extremely important to tamper with your coworkers’ and executives’ expectations in regards to Big Data. Big Data is an instrument, an accumulation of information generated by your business – it is not a secret ingredient to quick success on the market.

Likewise, the data your business generates will vary drastically from the data models used by other businesses, even in your own industry. Create a system that suits your employees and product portfolio first and foremost and teach your coworkers to take full advantage of written reports.

Learning to Rely on Big Data (Conclusion)
There are no “advantages” to Big Data to speak of if you write and subsequently shelve reports for them never to be referenced again. Act as a Big Data role-model for your coworkers and pass your insight through your writing skills, and they will slowly begin to adopt it. Cultivating a culture of reliance on technology and data takes time – start today, reap the benefits of doing so tomorrow. Hire app designer for big data analytics app design.

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Jessica Fender

Jessica Fender is a copywriter and blogger at GetGoodGrade with a background in marketing and sales. She enjoys sharing her experience with like-minded professionals who aim to provide customers with high-quality services.