IT Trends That Are Influencing The Change in App Development

  • By Karl Pulanco
  • 08-12-2022
  • Mobile App Development
trends that change in app development
The IT industry is the fastest-growing industry in the world. It is also one of the most affected by the changes in app development. However, despite its constant changes, technology has become a vital part of society.
Technology is not only limited to computers and smartphones but has also crept into other aspects of our lives, such as tv, home appliances, and even gaming consoles.
The IT industry relies heavily on software development, which depends on developers who create apps for all platforms. The demand for these developers has increased over time because of this rapid technological growth, and they can now charge high wages for their services.
In 2022, several IT trends may revolutionize how everyone goes about their daily life. Whether it is for work or leisure purposes, there’s no doubt how vital technology has become to society. Below is a list of IT trends you may want to know about.

Top 5 IT Trends That Influence App Development

1) Increased computing power

The trend of computing power continues to grow, and it’s a trend that is here to stay. Cloud data and infrastructure are getting significant upgrades because of this, as well as 5g and 6g networks which are also becoming more powerful. This is because we have a lot of data to process and need faster computers to handle it all, meaning that the more hardware we can put in the cloud, the better.

2) More smart devices

Smart devices like televisions, cars, and AI assistants have been a growing trend among businesses. These advancements help companies complete tasks more efficiently, improving the quality of life for many people.
For example, a business can use an AI assistant to give its employees directions while driving to their destinations. This ability helps them complete tasks more efficiently. It improves their quality of life by focusing on driving safely instead of trying to find directions on their phone or GPS.
Another example is using smart devices in your home. These devices have apps that you can use as security cameras that will alert you when someone breaks into your home or when your child leaves school without permission.

3) Rise of data

Datafication is the trend where companies are using data to understand their customers better. It’s the key enabler for all trends because it lets companies understand their customers better, which involves consumer behavior and insights about what works for the business.
For example, a company could use data to understand what factors influence consumers’ buying decisions, such as apps. They could then use that information to make changes that help improve sales.

4) Blockchains

Blockchain technology has been in the spotlight for years, and it’s no secret why. It’s an innovative way to store information and execute transactions that benefit businesses and consumers. For example, blockchain technology allows users to store information in an encrypted form, both public and private. 
This form of technology means that if you want to make your transactions public, like a cryptocurrency exchange, you can do so without exposing any details about yourself or your business. Your transactions will be anonymous but still visible on the network for people interested in seeing them.
The fact that blockchain is distributed also means that there’s no central authority controlling who can do what on the network. This factor gives blockchain a significant selling point for businesses that want to keep their operations running independently from outside influence.
Furthermore, blockchain’s distributed aspect makes it one, if not the safest, way to store data. With everyone’s eyes on the ledger, making fraudulent transactions will be virtually impossible.

5) Importance of mobile learning

Mobile learning is one of the newest trends in education. It is a way for people to learn on their own time and at the convenience of their own pace. Mobile learning can happen anywhere, from a classroom to a coffee shop, as long as there is an internet connection.
The trend of mobile learning is due to the increase in technology use among students and teachers. Teachers are now being encouraged to use technology in the classroom because it makes lessons more engaging for students and allows them to learn at their own pace.
In addition, many schools have shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This situation entails that students limit their exposure by staying at home, meaning they will need an alternative study method.

Changing The IT Landscape

As long as technology continues to advance, there will be significant changes that will impact society. Your quality of life in going about your daily tasks can become more efficient, and the same applies to businesses driving the future for app developments.
Apps can play a significant role in several purposes, from cryptocurrency to learning, to data analysis. The future holds endless possibilities in app development, and only time will tell how the IT industry will evolve.

Last Updated in May 2024

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Karl Pulanco

Karl Pulanco is the Product Portfolio Manager for Yondu. He’s into photography which is not surprising as he is a travel junkie as well. While he enjoys working on product planning and custom software development, he has a soft spot for writing and occasionally contributes articles related to his work.