Impact Of Technology On Career Development Planning

  • By Nikka
  • 25-11-2022
  • Technology
impact of technology on career development planning
Technology's impacts on careers look promising, but people should prepare for the unthinkable. With machinery, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and 3D printing taking over labor jobs, it can cause some unemployment. But not all hope is lost. There are some things that technology can't completely replace.
Although technology can succeed in some human jobs, it still needs you to operate and program them. The jobs are still there. They just evolved in a technological way. 
So what does this mean with regard to your career development planning?
Employees today and in the future need to go with the flow, or else their skills will become obsolete. As a result, employers will only hire technologically skilled candidates, leaving you to question your career path. So you must change how you go about your career planning to remain competitive.

How technology is reshaping the nature of work

The job market is constantly changing, and the skills required from workers have evolved too. In fact, 65% of primary school children will work in new jobs that don't even exist yet.
Since technology has affected the current job demands, many people have had to adapt career plans.
For example, many people prefer to become independent workers rather than work for giant corporations since they can get employment from multiple contracting agencies. So they opt to leverage online platforms to earn income. Moreover, workers' career goals have also changed. They used to aim to climb the career ladder. But now they want to enhance their own career development to become an expert in their field.
Technological advancement has dramatically affected employees' career development plans—from job search to being hired, trained, and evaluated. Basically, their entire job lifecycle is being reshaped by technology.
Future workers are not powerless anymore. They have abundant resources literally at the palm of their hands. Now they have the capacity to foreshadow possible career shifts and plan their career directions more efficiently.

Technology is modifying required skills

More people understand how the digital revolution is affecting their work. Think of how ATMs automated out bank tellers while barcode scanners took cashier workers' roles. However, rather than taking away traditional jobs, a number of occupations are still emerging. People simply need technical skills to fit the current job descriptions to remain competitive in the business world.
You don't have to worry so much about technology stealing your job opportunities because there's still one thing that no machinery can ever replace—your soft skills. Cling to them. Enhance them as part of your skills development because people rely on human interaction more in the long run.

Technology is making it possible to work 24/7

With all these technology tools, employees can essentially work round the clock. According to research, women in the Information Technology sector worked 3.4 hours longer than those who didn't. So because of technology, people can work regardless of space and time.
Conduct a self-assessment in your career development plan to identify and develop the skills needed to match the company's requirements. Many organizations need employees who can use technology to do their jobs successfully. So if your skills need polishing, online learning platforms can help you with that.

Technology is changing workspaces

People realize that technology allows them to work from home. Some prefer it, and some don't. Because of this, certain companies implemented hybrid workspaces, while other organizations carried through with fully remote work settings. But employers must provide employees with educational tools to adapt to the changing times. So think of your career goals and how you want your work setup to narrow down your career options.
If you see yourself working remotely, create a career growth plan that will allow you to fit in those job openings. Consider a career in information technology, digital marketing, or health and fitness. Or you may also create your own freelancing business and become a project manager or a consultant.

Ways technology can help with career development

Technology helps to enhance your career development by giving you solutions you haven't even thought of in your career path. It allows you to save time and financial resources to develop relevant skill sets in today's business world.
So to give you a clearer view, here are some ways technology can help you achieve your career objectives:

Speeds up career planning

Software tools allow employers to discuss employee career development programs, whether you work from home or in an office setting. This includes regular performance reviews and virtual or in-person one-on-one meetings to ensure managers assign the right career development opportunities for each employee.
Suppose you're not currently employed. In that case, technology allows you to research various career options to determine your target job.

Makes multidirectional career progression possible

Employers understand that flexibility is important to employees and their company. So technology allows them to implement lateral moves across multiple departments no matter which direction their staff is heading.
For example:
If an employee is ready to settle for a lower level in preparation for retirement or a top-notch employee who wants to venture into a different role, technology tools such as a talent pool make this possible. On the other hand, people who want to change careers can rebrand themselves by updating their resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile that appeal to employers. Some websites can help them curate attractive application documents to land their desired career.

Reinforce career development

Managers can create a career development plan for their employees. This career growth plan includes various training opportunities to help align their career objectives with the organization's needs.
With online learning management systems in place, organizations can develop learning programs while tracking employees' career goals.
eLearning platforms can help you gain new skills to broaden your career options. Even if a company's skill requirement frequently changes, you can quickly adapt because you can upskill anytime to meet their demands.

Adjust your career with the advent of technology

Advancing technology isn't slowing down anytime. So you must roll with the punches to keep up with the latest technological trends. When done right, you can streamline your career growth. However, as the digital environment continues to shift, some people need to be more flexible to change with it. So to revamp your career, you must also alter how you think and embody a learning mindset.

Last Updated in April 2024

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Nikka is a writer at Skill Success and an outdoor enthusiast with a passion for an imperfectly zero-waste and minimalist lifestyle. She enjoys writing about leisure, traveling, self-help, or any topic that resonates with her belief.