An Insight of Digital Marketing Trends in 2020

  • By Amy Amelie
  • 27-02-2020
  • Digital Marketing
digital marketing

Digital marketing is developing hastily and brings us new trends and strategies to meet marketing challenges every year. This year, trends are coming and going faster than the Marvel Cinematic Universe can release a new film. Those organizations that stay longer will have to go through makeovers at some point. It may not be amiss to say that organizations that hang back to adopt the new trends fail to meet their targets. Contrarily, those who are keen to explore new things and strategies put themselves in an ideal situation to beat the odds and excel the opposition. Then focus the following innovative digital marketing trends are among the highest priorities for many business owners in 2020.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)


Artificial Intelligence is changing the world! You must be thinking, how? Let me explain, the technology of AI has been developing every year for the past 20 years, and today it is a very advanced technology. Many organizations are actively employing AI in different ways. As computer hardware has continued to improve to become incredibly efficient and powerful, many companies have tried to enhance machine learning capabilities in the form of neural networks. Neural networks are simply algorithms that train each other by combining your experience to perform many different tasks. 2020 may be the year in which many people wake up to the dominance of artificial intelligence (AI). It will undoubtedly be at the heart of global business and industry in the future, and it is already taking on many simple jobs. To ease up little things even on a bigger scale, we surely will rely on AI in the future!



Gone are the days when you have to recruit people for jobs like Insurance Assistant, Education Consultant, Legal Assistant, Recruiter or even a Beautician! People are more familiar to chat apps than they have social media tools. More than eight billion messages are sent daily. Messenger marketing platforms is the cause of millions of messages between people and businesses. Considering that, chatbot marketing has evolved into the most significant growth opportunities in digital marketing trends. A chatbot can correspond with a person behaving like a human. Many of us prefer interacting with chatbots as they are 24/7 available, give answers accurately, recall your entire buying history and never lose their cool!

Programmatic Advertising


Programmatic Advertising lets marketers to more adequately channel messaging across desired platforms to reach the most enticing markets and demographics, and avail data to pick out new opportunities. With the help of automation and machine learning, Programmatic builds an environment that helps marketers to connect to their most consequential audiences more efficiently. Nonetheless, Programmatic Advertising is not the future because it is already here! And if you are living under a rock and not taking advantage of it, then you are missing out on the potential to spare some money. If you choose to go for it, you’ll assuredly see a massive difference in your online advertising campaigns.

Conversational Marketing

conversational marketing

Listening to your customer needs and willing to make amendments in your marketing strategy through their feedback is just another way to boost your customer base. Conversational Marketing or conversation marketing is all about getting to know your potential customer’s feedback. It helps drive engagement, develop customer loyalty and then eventually helps you grow revenue. So, Conversational Marketing plays an essential role on another level. In recent times, research has shown that conversational marketing is making waves in the market, and it is one of the biggest reasons for the success of different companies and organizations.

Video Marketing

video marketing

Video Marketing is by far, one of the marketing trends that everybody is aware of, even if they know nothing about marketing strategies. Video Marketing helps you understand and connect you to the creator to a whole new level. It is no longer just one piece your overall marketing plan; it is essential to your outreach and campaign efforts. In the past years, the video has undoubtedly dominated social! According to recent research, four of the top six channels on which international consumers watch a video are social channels. If you are not creating videos, there is no need to fret! For most videos, the more straightforward and rawer it is, the more convincing the content looks, and this is the most important thing to your audience.

Interactive Content

interactive content

Speaking of raw and straightforward content, that brings us to the fastest-growing digital marketing trends off lately; Interactive Content. In 2020, we are going to witnessed to encounter a shift from basic traditional text-based content toward compelling, appealing content that serves the user a captivating experience. Quizzes and pools, embedded calculators, reality ads, 360-degree videos are an excellent example of interactive content. Your audience takes interest when the content is relatable and interactive. There’s a different connectivity level when you can relate to the material as if it made for you and only you. 91% of buyers are actively searching for interactive content, it makes them feel more connected to brands and the whole buying process.

Influencer Marketing

influencer marketing

When we see or hear a review of the product that we want to buy, from our favorite influencer. It adds our interest to that particular product, place or food. Influencer Marketing is an efficient way of promoting and selling products or services through known influencers, that are capable of driving action from your target audience. Influencers help to bridge a gap between both the entities! Influencers marketing is prominent nowadays, social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook and YouTube play a huge role as they are the source of contact between influencers and the targeted audience. Influencers also help marketers to approach audience by offering discounts too.

Social Media Stories


Snapchat came out first with the approach of ‘My Story’ then Instagram and Facebook followed the path and soon after that, YouTube unveiled its story format. Since this feature enables you to upload your story for a restricted period, it gives marketers another bunch of, platforms to make good use of FOMO (Fear of missing out). It keeps your audience hooked, and they also become an early bird to keep up with your stories. It also helps in constant engagement with followers, cost-effectiveness, increases the reach to a younger audience, add locations tags and much more.

Voice Search

voice search

The rapid use in voice search has made it fundamental for companies to revise their digital marketing strategies in 2020. Voice search plays an important role in providing all relevant information that people are looking for through audio content. AI is getting smarter, and the number of errors of voice assistants like Alexa, Siri and Google have been dramatically reduced. A lot of brands are including voice search in their digital marketing strategies to deliver value-based content effectively to your customers. Like, PayPal, Nestle, Domino’s, Patron Tequila and much more.

Social Messaging Apps

social media

You will be astonished to know that 1.3 billion monthly users are engaged on Facebook Messenger, 10 billion messages are sent between people and businesses on Facebook Messenger daily. WhatsApp has 1.6 billion active users, and 55 billion messages are posted every day. These statistics show the notoriety of social messaging apps. As people spend more time together, it makes sense to market your company's products and services where your potential customers are. Social messaging apps can be beneficial for sending messages directly to customers because they provide personalization and added value to the user experience.

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Amy Amelie

Amy Amelie is a loving mother of two a boy and a beautiful girl, over the years she has gained quite a lot of experience while managing those little whippersnappers and is now writing to share her experience with other moms out there. you can find a ton of her other blogs at