Performing good management on social networks with the aim of promoting the corporate profile of your company, business or even personal brand involves a great deal of effort, time, dedication and perseverance. The applications for social networks are an excellent alternative to save you a lot of time in this task.
Is your top software companies present on many networks? It's time to consider using social networking applications that make your life much more comfortable.
Trending on the social networks is more difficult than you might think. You have to be aware of the trends in news, social media, technology, and marketing and, above all, always be online. Sometimes, all those functions added to manage the rest of your company's strategies can be a tiring task. Do not worry, relax and check out the apps that will make your life easier.
What is the importance of the social network apps?
The social media profile management tools are really important, and that is that they allow you to do more organized and fast work. Here is the usefulness of these tools:
- Being able to publish the same messages on different networks in an automated way.
- You can program your updates in different social networks.
- With these applications, you can measure the influence of a person's profile or a brand.
- Measure quantitatively and qualitatively the campaign in which you are working.
- Check the reach of the message and know better the receivers that are reached.
Main applications For Social Networks
After reading all the uses of the social network management tools, you must have been left with the desire to know much more. Social networking applications are great, and your presence on the internet is vital not only for your personal and professional life but also for your business. Here are seven tools that will help you to manage your networks easily and properly.
I want to emphasize that not only do these tools exist; there are many more, and all can be of great help. Whatever application you use, I'm sure they'll help you do the right job.
Currently, it is the most popular app for the management and monitoring of a brand or a personal profile on social networks. Its free version will allow you to manage different social profiles and schedule the publications you need. The paid version has the advantage of being able to generate periodic reports of each of the social networks that are managed in a segmented manner. It is available for iOS and Android. You can meet with top app development companies to hire an iPhone app developer to help you develop an app to manage your business effectively.
This application is perfect for analyzing social networks, mainly Facebook, Twitter, and Flicker. It allows you to know the number of exact users that your posts have reached and the operation of the campaigns in the different networks. Also, all this information is given to you in graphic form, so that you have the information in the most visual way possible. You can meet with top app development companies to hire an iPhone app developer to help you develop an iOS app.
It is a tool that allows you to manage Twitter and Facebook profiles. It allows a series of functionalities that are listed below:
- Programming of tweets.
- Monitoring of keywords.
- Automatic removal of private messages on a regular basis.
- Link Shortener.
- The possibility of unlimited account management on Twitter.
- Track mentions and tweets.
- The possibility of automating status changes on your profiles and pages.
- Through SocialOomph, it is possible to see what the last states of a page or profile have been.
It is a very powerful tool to publish content on various social networks. One of its main advantages is the number of networks with which it allows you to work: company profiles on LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google + and many more. These three are highlighted because they are not usually present in many of the applications for social networks.
On the other hand, Everypost allows you to publish text, photos, and videos comfortably. Also, it has a URL shortener, very useful for Twitter.
Audiense is a Spanish application that was founded in 2011 under the name of Socialbro. Little by little, it was becoming one of the most powerful tools for the management and analysis of your Twitter accounts.
One of its great advantages is the complete audience analysis (hence its name) that allows you to carry out. Knowing your audience on Twitter is tremendously useful for your strategy, but it is not easy. Audiense analyzes not only your audience but the market. You can meet with top app development companies to hire an iPhone app developer for iOS app.
It is a tool with multiple functions. It serves to measure and analyze your digital marketing strategy on Facebook and Twitter. It allows the production of very complete and useful reports that can be used for presentation directly to the client or for internal use. It is a complete application for two of the most used networks of the moment. If you have a profile on them, then you have to try these tools.
On both networks, Crowdbooster allows you to measure:
- The number of impressions.
- The growth of the community.
- The Location of influencers.
- The Location of the profiles that most retweet your posts.
- Improvement in the communities.
This is only seven of the many applications that exist in the market. Hope they serve you and make your life easier regarding managing the social networks of your company. You can meet with top app development companies to hire app developers to help you develop an iOS app.