8 Web Metrics You Need to Track to Improve Conversion

  • By Andi Croft
  • 09-11-2022
  • Misc
web metrics

Web metrics are a set of tools that allow you to measure the success of your digital marketing campaigns. These metrics provide insights into your customers, their behavior on your website, and what content is most engaging with them. You can use the results of these metrics to make decisions about the success of a website and what changes you need to make.

You should not only measure how many people visit a website but also how long they stay on it, what they search for, and what they do while they're there.

One of the most important web metrics to track would be your conversion rate. Other web metrics can contribute or let you know how your conversion rate is going to be. This article will cover these web metrics and why you need to track these metrics to improve conversions.

1. Traffic Acquisition

The traffic acquisition rate is the number of visitors that come to a website daily. You can usually see these web metrics expressed in unique or total daily visits. You can calculate the traffic acquisition rate by dividing the number of visitors by the days the site has been live.

This ratio indicates how many people visit a site on average over one day, and you can use it to determine how much activity there is in an area over time.

You can use this metric to measure how well your marketing campaign is doing, and you can also use it to identify what type of content your audience is interested in, which can lead to more conversions.

2. New Versus Returning Visitors

Measuring the number of new versus returning visitors for web metrics is essential. When running a business, knowing the difference between unique and returning visitors is vital. However, not all companies are aware of the importance of this distinction.

A new visitor has never visited your site before, whereas a returning visitor has visited your site at least once.

Knowing which kind of visitor you have is crucial because they will have different expectations from your site. A new visitor may be looking for an entirely different thing than a returning visitor, so it's essential to understand these distinctions to provide the best experience for both types of visitors.

3. Total Value Per Visit

Web analytics can provide one metric: the total value per visit (TVPV). TVPV measures the average revenue generated by each visit to a website. This metric is an essential indicator for conversion optimization because it tells you whether or not your visitors are converting into customers.

This metric will help you understand the value of each visit and how much a visitor is worth to your business. This metric can help you identify areas for improvement and decide how to invest your marketing budget.

You can calculate it by dividing the total amount your visitors spent during their visit by the number of visits.

4. Monitor The Source Performance

There are a few things that you can do to monitor the source channels that perform the best for your website.

First, you need to know what channels work best for your website. You can find this out by using web metrics. Using a tool like Google Analytics or Google Search Console would be best. This tool will allow you to see what keywords people use when visiting your site, which pages they visit, and how long they stay on each page.

The next thing you need to do is improve conversion rates on your website by optimizing the pages with high conversion rates and removing any unimportant content from those pages. This step will help ensure that people are only reading relevant content and not just browsing through your site aimlessly without taking action.

5. Average Pageviews per Session

The average session duration tells us how long a person spends on your site before leaving. You can use this metric to see how long people spend on your site and what pages they visit before leaving. This measurement will allow you to find out whether people are interested in what you offer or not, which will help you make changes to your website so that more people stay around for extended periods.

To understand how people engage with your website, you need to consider the average number of pages they visit in one session. This metric will better understand how people are engaging with your content and if they are sticking around or leaving quickly.

The average number of page views per session is an excellent tool for measuring conversion because it also tells you how long someone spends on your site and what kind of content they are engaging with overall.

6. Track The Bounce Rate

According to Sytian Productions, expert website developer philippines, the bounce rate is an important measurement that you can use to indicate how relevant your website is to your target audience.

The bounce rate measures how many people leave your website after viewing only one page. For example, if a website has a bounce rate of 60%, 60% of the visitors leave the site after viewing only one page on average.

It is vital to track the bounce rate for your web metrics because it will help you improve conversion. You can start analyzing the reasons that cause people to leave your website.

A low bounce rate typically means that visitors are engaged with the content on your site and want to explore more pages, while a high bounce rate usually means something is wrong with your content or site design.

7. Check The Keyword Rankings

Keyword rankings are an essential metric for conversion rates because they show how well your website ranks for specific keywords in search engines.

When you aim to increase conversion, checking your keyword rankings is an excellent way to see which keywords are converting and which are not. This step will help you improve conversion rates by focusing on the right keywords.

8. Exit Pages

Exit pages are a type of web metric that you use to measure the effectiveness of an online marketing campaign. It helps marketers to know whether the advertising or marketing message is working or not. They count the number of visitors that leave your site before clicking on any link or buying anything.

Some typical reasons for this are:

The design of your landing page is not compelling enough, so they don't click on anything and leave after viewing it once.
Your landing page might be too long, making visitors lose interest and close the tab without scrolling down or reading anything.
Your product might not be what they're looking for, so they choose another option instead of yours.

Knowing your exit pages can help let you know what the correct next step is for your content.


These web metrics are all important and contribute to your overall conversion rate. Since the conversion rate is the main goal that your website wants to increase, knowing the other elements that affect it can help you improve it overall. Therefore, ensure that you measure these other web metrics to get a complete picture.

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Andi Croft

Andi Croft is a freelance writer whose main interests are topics related to business, technology, and travel. This is brought about by her passion about going around the world, meeting people from all walks of life, and bringing along with her the latest tech to enhance her adventures.