Exam Prep Apps for Students

  • By Adrian Lomezzo
  • 29-03-2023
  • Mobile App Development
exam prep apps for students
Exams are inevitable for all students. As long as you attend classes, study, and do homework and assignments, teachers will always give a test or an exam to evaluate your understanding of the concept discussed in class. 
There is no doubt that exam periods always have students feeling stressed, anxious, and worried. These feelings make most students assume they haven’t studied well and aren’t ready to take the test or exam. However, this shouldn’t be the case. As long as you have been attending classes, participating in class work, and doing all the assigned school tasks, you can be sure to face the exams and handle the questions like a pro. 
The key to doing well in exams good preparation. Now, the question is, what is the best strategy to use during exam preparation to ensure you succeed? With the advanced technology, we have good exam prep apps meant to help students to be ready for exams physically and emotionally. To get your exams faster simply contact Class Taker. Exam experts will help you out immediately.

Why do exams?

Some may argue out that exams aren’t relevant as long as the student has been to class, while some will view exams are a tool to enhance a student’s growth. This section highlights why exams are crucial for all students.

To get scholarship

When there are many students who wish to advance their career levels but are in a bad state financially, doing exams and passing well can unlock doors to a scholarship opportunity that will enable a student to study well and achieve their career objectives.  

Boosts confidence in students

Doing exams is one strategy that makes students become cautious of their performance. Since no student wants to fail or get bad grades, they will put in more effort and study smart, ensuring they pass well. When a student works well and performs incredibly, it boosts their confidence, making them have a positive mindset toward learning. 

Creates a healthy competition 

Through exams, students practice and appreciate healthy competition by proving their knowledge and skills in a given context. 
As a result, every student prepares adequately to get ready to score good grades and emerge as a winner. This helps students take studying seriously, a move that helps them achieve their career goals. 

Helps teachers analyze student’s performance

It is through exams that teachers get an opportunity to evaluate the different understandings of students in a given context. This, therefore, helps teachers to learn the weaknesses and strengths of individual students. In the end, they devise a plan to help students individually with their weak areas as a way of improving their learning experience. 

Memory improvement

It is through doing exams that students remember many concepts, including the elements taught in class. After reviewing and analyzing the questions, they remember more details, and once they remember, it becomes hard to forget. 

Do exams have any disadvantages?

Having described the benefits of doing exams, the next question is, does doing exams have any pitfalls? Well, get more info here.
Causes anxiety and tension
Even though the students are sure of doing exams in the end, the mention of exams causes anxiety and tension among students, even when they have been studying and doing school work as needed. When students get over-anxious, they tend to become stressed, and continuous stress can affect the health of the worrying students. 

Comparison among students

Well, not all students are equal in a learning environment. While some students can score well in math without struggling, some score poorly even after spending hours studying and revising. The same analysis applies to other subjects. Comparing top students and bottom students can cause isolation among the students. Still, during an active class session, some students master a context faster than others, making them perform better in the exam than others. 

Can lead to dropouts

Exams can make a student lose interest in school and end up dropping out. For instance, if a student fails exams repeatedly, they will feel the exam pressure and stress, which can lead to extreme depression, thus making a student do away with the school to focus on other elements, a move that isn’t appropriate. 

Inequitable Judgment

The exams determine the student’s performance in a particular time frame, and it can take even one day. A student can perform the previous year incredibly but fail to perform the same in the current exam. This, therefore, means that exams aren’t accurate, especially when grading students’ levels of intelligence and knowledge. Again, a student can do well throughout the course or year but still fail in the last exams. Therefore, even a knowledgeable student can fail an exam, and it doesn’t imply they don’t understand the concept, thus, unfairness in judgment. 

Tips for effective exams preparation

Despite the exams having some pitfalls, there is no escape route other than facing the exams and doing the best you can as a student. Whenever you feel stuck as you prepare for exams, be sure to try the following strategies:

Create a practical schedule

A personal timetable or a customized schedule is one of the best tips to consider when preparing for exams. You only need to prioritize the urgent and complex subjects, giving them enough time to study. A personalized schedule will help you calm down and study with a focused mind, thus enhancing maximum concentration.

Keep off distractions

When preparing and studying for exams, it is essential that you keep off any form of distraction around you. For instance, noise from the surrounding environment, social media distractions, or any other activities or objects that will hinder you from focusing on exam preparation. 

Start early

Preparing for exams should begin the moment you start your course or term. Do not wait until the last minute to start revising and studying for exams. Therefore, make sure you do assignments & homework and attend classes regularly.

Use past papers

Especially when revising the night before an exam, past papers are the best option. This isn’t the time to start reading notes chapter by chapter. You simply need to be reviewing summaries of chapters or topics and sample questions. 

Sleep well

When you have one day to take an exam, it doesn’t mean you spend all the hours studying without resting. In any case, this is an appropriate time to get enough rest, getting your mind and body ready for the exams ahead. 

Gather all the required exam materials

It can be stressful to enter an exam room only to realize you don’t have all the requirements. This will not only incontinence you but also make you panic. Panicking can make you perform poorly when you could have done incredibly in the same exam. Therefore, depending on the subject, make sure you have all the requirements before exam time!

Best Exam Preparation applications for students

Having discussed the best approaches to use when preparing for exams, the next aspect is to determine some of the apps to use for exam preparation to ease the whole process. Some exam preparation apps for students include the following:


Available for Chrome, Windows, iOS, and Android devices, Evernote is a free application that helps students to create and syn notes to simplify the revision process. The best part is that the app supports all forms of notes, whether photographed, recorded, or typed on any device. Since the basis of preparing for exams is revising simplified notes, this app will always come in handy. 
With Evernote, you will have your notes well-organized in a specific location, making it easy for you to locate specific notes you want to review. What’s more, Evernote will make your exam preparation interesting because apart from helping you organize your notes, you can as well include attachments, checklists, links, and audio recordings to make the whole moment fun and interesting!

Exam Countdown

As part of preparing for exams, it is significant for a student to track dates and specific timings for exams. Tracking the dates and times off head can be challenging because of the many things a student’s head carries. That is why the exam countdown app will always come in handy when you have several exams on different dates and at different times. Therefore, you can shift the focus to studying instead of having to check the schedule over and over again as you are worried about not missing an exam.
The app is available for free, and it is compatible with iOS & Android devices. What’s more, the app is simple and easy to use. You can as well use different color codes on different subjects to have a good user experience with the app. The app also has an option for notification whenever you have an exam coming up. 
Besides helping you track your exam schedule, this app has an option to share with your fellow classmates, letting them know of an upcoming test through social media. 

My Study Life

The key aspect of exam preparation is effective studying, and this is what the My Study Life app does for you. It helps students track their study schedule, upcoming exams, assignments & homework, and their grades (motivating you to do better). 
Through the app, you will get notified when you have an upcoming class, the next exam, and unfinished school tasks. What’s more, you can still access your information when offline, so you shouldn’t worry when your internet connection gets disrupted. 
The app is available for free, and it is compatible with Chrome, Windows, iOS, and Android devices. 


Quizlet is yet another popular exam preparation app that will not only make you study effectively but enjoy and make studying a fun experience. With the Quizlet app, you can create your personalized study materials based on the subjects you intend to cover. Still, you can access other materials created by other Quizlet users and use them as you prepare for exams. 
Available free of charge for both iOS and Android devices, the app also helps teachers create challenging tests for students, and then share them online or in a class setting to create an interactive and fun learning environment. 
One aspect you will love Quizlet is its ability to incorporate audio and videos when learning to make the moment lively. 


Many times, students use phones and computers surfing through the web as they revise and get ready for exams. Browsing through the internet will have you access many pages that have useful content, and you can easily misplace when you want to review later, and that is where the pocket app comes in.
Available for Chrome, iOS, and Android devices, the pocket app helps to save all the relevant links, videos, web pages, and other content online without losing track. Once you save, you can access the content easily from your device. 
What’s more, the app has tools used for tagging and searching, thus making it easy to organize the web content by subject. The pocket for revision app is compatible with other social media platforms such as Evernote, Facebook, & Twitter, among many others. 


TCY app is among the best exam revision apps available for both iOS & Android devices. With a large user base, the app aims at simplifying the revision process by offering a wide range of revision materials. 
Through the TCY revision app, you will get access to various tests, exam papers, educative articles, questions, and other useful content that will simplify your revision process. What’s more, the app has the option to add your questions with answers. The application is even available offline, so you don’t need to worry about a lack of internet or poor internet connection. 
These are among the many exam preparation applications meant to ease the studying process for students. You simply need to consider your needs as you prepare for exams and install the most appropriate app that will help you fulfill your objectives. 
Other apps you might need to review include Testbook, Forest, ) StudyBlue, XMind, Todait, and GradeUp, among many others. 


Do you often get anxious just at the mention of exams? Or do you always have a hard time when revision for an upcoming exam? With this guide, you can be sure to conquer exams like the pro you are, simply follow the tips and try the exam preparation apps described in this guide.

Last Updated in May 2024

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Adrian Lomezzo

This article is published by Adrian Lomezzo.