3 Secrets To Maximize User Experience Of Mobile Apps

  • By Diksha Suri
  • 06-05-2020
  • Mobile Apps
maximize user experience of your mobile app
Do you know a good mobile app UX can accelerate business growth by 70%? That’s a big figure to consider. While there are many things included in creating a smooth mobile app, the user experience is something cannot ignore. UX of mobile apps also reduces the app uninstall. After all, who likes to use an app that hangs and has lots of bugs. Surely a big no-no!
So, what are the essentials to enhance the UX of a mobile app? Well, there are various ways that can help in maximizing the user experience of mobile apps. Let’s check a few.
Call-to-action button
If you want to urge your users to know more or connect with your services, then a call-to-action button is a must for your app. Business apps urge users to buy the products/services or simply ask them to get in touch with the representatives. But, sadly, companies tend to skip this. If there is no button for the users to redirect to the page they are looking for, then they will surely be disappointed.
For example - You need to order food online, but when you open the app by android app company you don’t have a button to add items to the cart. It’s of no use and you are more likely to delete that app. It is important for an app to meet up with what it’s a business saying, otherwise, it will be of no use. Adding a call-to-action button enhances the user experience and helps in increasing business profits.
Bonus Tip: Make sure the call-to-action button is visible for the users, so they can easily access it.
While creating an app, it is really important to understand what your user is looking for. No matter what business you have, it is important to understand the customer usability. Let’s talk about healthy food apps. So, you think people are going more on healthy diet trends, so make sure you keep that as a key point while creating an app. To meet up their expectations, you can not only add healthy food recipes but also share blogs that lead them towards their fitness goals. They will love it!
Apart from that, there is one more thing you should keep in mind. Don’t force your users to fill the feedback form. This may irritate the users and they are likely to drop using your app. Well, it is really important to provide your users with what they are looking for or more. There is no less in this scenario!
Bonus Tip: You can also add healthy food-related videos to keep them engaged.
People do get attracted to good designs, right? A visually-appealing website can enhance the user experience and make them use your app more. Keep it simple, lightweight, and crisp. Unconventional and heavy design images can increase the loading time and ultimately affect usage. The stats reveal that sites with complex navigations can hinder the app performance and user experience. So, work on these things to maintain a seamless experience for the users.
Bonus Tip: Work on background services such as location. This can affect the phone battery which ultimately affects the user experience.
Wrapping Up!
Yes, there are a number of elements to consider when creating a good UX. Develop a UX-centric plan and retain your audiences by following these secrets. Let’s get in action and rule your business.

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Diksha Suri

Diksha is associated with Softuvo Solutions as a Content Writer, and she keeps herself well-read with the changing trends of the web world. She loves to pen down her knowledge in an engaging and simplified way, thus adding value to the organization. Apart from technical writing, she is fond of reading books.