How Mobile App Is Better Than a Website?

  • By Chamsi Pirson
  • 02-06-2020
  • Mobile Apps
mobile app better than website

Some of the top augmented reality companies in Dubai are involved in making mobile apps. This is probably because they have weighed the benefits of having a mobile app as opposed to a website. They can help create mobile apps and websites.

But let us assume you do not have the same budget that the top companieshave so you have to choose between the two. What would be the justification for choosing mobile app development? Here are some convincing reasons.

Offline Functionality
The majority of mobile apps will still give you access to the app with limited features when you are offline. This means if a person is on the go but in an area where the connection is limited, they can carry on doing certain things on the app until they reconnect to the internet. This is something that cannot be achieved on an ordinary website unless you have made a page available offline beforehand.

User Preference
Best on statistics about time spent on mobile apps in comparison to websites, it would seem that users prefer mobile apps to websites. Statistics show that users spend over 80 percent of their time on mobile apps in comparison to just under 15 percent of time spend on browsers. These statistics, however, show that gaming apps and social media seem to be the most popular apps. it may be necessary to research how popular some other apps maybe.

Branding Opportunity
Since the app icon will be present on a user's screen everytime they are looking through their apps, it will also serve a branding purpose. You can be sure that the user is taking note of the brand almost every day even if they do not use the app all the time. This will create top of the mind awareness at no cost. Yet a website would have to be clicked on for a user to take note of its presence.

Communication can be Personalized
Mobile apps give the developer and whoever is behind the app the opportunity to know their audience better and then tailor whatever communication to suit them. Communication can be tailored to suit a person's geographical location, gender, interests, and so on. The user can be prompted to provide information about the things they would be interested in and that is what will be sent to them.

Efficiency That Enhances the User Experience
Mobile apps usually do not waste time downloading content like websites, this makes the user experience enjoyable since it will be faster and efficient. Most apps simply need to retrieve data from the storage area and that is faster than having to access the internet and then download from a remote server.

Better Chances of Conversion
The fact that a person has downloaded and is using the app shows they are interested in whatever that app is connected to. This means that it is more likely that engaging such a user is more likely to result in conversion compared to if you engaged someone on a website. It is also easier to direct a prospect from the top of the funnel to the bottom of the funnel. In a nutshell, there is a higher return on investment from app users than website visitors.

No Design Restriction
For app developers, it helps to have the freedom to design the app with the features you prefer as opposed to being limited to a few sets of features which may not give your user the experience you would like them to have. Mobile apps have varied options which include sliding images, pinching to minimize, dragging, and tapping among others. The user can enjoy using the app thanks to such features.

Access to Mobile Features
Mobile apps are usually enabled to use other helpful features on the mobile phone, for example, contact lists, gallery, and camera as well as calendar and many more. These improve the functionality of an app. This functionality makes performing different tasks easier and faster for the user but also the developer benefits from the potential to make more conversions.

Alternative Messaging
Mobile apps give users the choice of messaging options other than the traditional email. Push notifications are more personal and the user has more control over who they receive messages from. The functionality of push notification is different from email and sharing documents seems easier than if you have to use email.

Although we have highlighted the advantages of mobile applications, it does not mean that websites do not have their pros as well. This is why mobile application development company with the budget for it, will have both a mobile app and a website in place. If however, you had to choose to have one of them, it would be worth it to consider the above benefits of mobile apps and compare them with your goals. Not every business will benefit from a website as much as it will from an app.

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Chamsi Pirson

Chamsi Pirson is a freelance content writer and writes for a variety of online publications. he actively writes blogs and articles related to web development & hosting, business, fashion, lifestyle, fitness and much more. When he's not working, he likes to cook, dance, and travel.