How To Succeed With Your Android App

  • By Kenneth Evans
  • 17-07-2018
  • Mobile Apps
android app development
Android app development has become very competitive because of a few reasons. So, to attract users to your android app and retain them, you must work on your UI/UX. Before discussing ways to develop UI/UX on your Android app, the reasons for the tight competition in the android app development industry will be discussed first.
The first and the major cause of tight competition is the number of players. There are so many top app developers in India and more are still coming up. So, users now have a wide range of choices and they just have to choose the very best.
Internal memory constraint is another reason app developers just have to step up their game. Users usually don’t have enough internal memory for all the apps they need. And apps do not support external memory. So, they often have to delete some apps to create space for an in-coming app. That way, they are often forced to weed out apps that are not so useful. For this reason, only the very best apps remain in the mobile devices of users for a pretty long time.
Now, having discussed why only the very best apps succeed in the app development industry, it becomes necessary to discuss how to put your app among the best. The most effective technique to attract users to your app is through great UI/UX. Here are important tips to promote the UI/UX of your app. 
Your app must solve a problem
The easiest way to attract users to your app is to ensure it solves certain problems. People with such problems will definitely find your app very interesting. In fact, apart from game apps, people install apps for a purpose. No matter how beautiful the user interface of your app is, nobody will install it if it does not solve any problem. Game apps are usually deleted after clearing the games.
Involve potential users in the design stage
You should conduct surveys to seek the opinions of prospective users on the interface of your app. You only need to design what they like. Don’t design based on your assumption. Even after developing your app, you should also get the app thoroughly tested before you launch it. You need to make sure that all the pages, links, and buttons are working fine. 
Regular update
regular update
No matter how great your app is, there will always be room for improvement. So you need to keep improving on it through regular updates. Facebook is about the most popular and most successful social medium and yet, they keep improving the service and new features emerge every day. So, the regular update is very important for great user experience.
This also means that you will be sending surveys to the users of your app for suggestions. They are the ones that will continue to suggest the areas where they need you to work on. Just remember, as long as any app is still in use, it requires regular update until the developer of the app decides to retire it.
Users have numerous choices of apps so much that once they hit any challenge with any app, they will drop off. That being said, nothing annoys and turns users off more than an app that is quite difficult to understand. After struggling with your app for about 3 minutes or more, if a user still finds it difficult to understand how to use your app, chances are good that he or she will drop off and delete it.
To avoid that, you must keep your app simple. It should be very easy to use. Cut off any link, button, or function that is not relevant to the purpose of the app. Gone are the days when multiple functions used to thrill users. Now, there are apps for all the other functions. So, focus on the purpose of your app. 
Too many functions will lead to too many buttons and links and this will make the interface of your app very clumsy. You should also make it as intuitive as possible. 
Lower crash rate
Each time your app crashes while in use, you are driving the user a step towards dropping off. In fact, on the average, users delete an app after the first 3 to 5 crashes while in use. So, you need to do everything within your capacity to reduce the crash rate of your app. It is a little difficult to wipe it out completely but you can just work towards lower crash rate.
Less is more
People are so conscious of their memory space so they check the size of any app before they download and install it. They are usually turned off by an unnecessarily large app. So, you should keep your app as small as possible to attract more users. 
Developing a large app means prospective users may have to delete existing apps before downloading yours. After downloading and installing your app, when they intend to download another app, your app will always be among those put up for deletion to create space. To reduce the chances of these occurrences, you have to reduce the size of your app. 
Fast loading
fast loading
People are generally impatient with apps so they prefer apps that load within 10 seconds or less. If it takes your app more than 10 seconds to load, a few people may still use it. However, no one will use any app whose loading time is longer than 25 seconds. So, you need to ensure that your app loads as fast as possible.
Lower the requirement to accommodate more users
When you raise the requirements of your app, you will cut off a lot of prospective users. This is the reason some apps still work on Android 4 KitKat when the current Android operating system is Android 8 Oreo. You can check out all the apps that have hit 50 million download mark, you will realize that virtually all of them have lower requirements.
Stunning graphics
If your app is a game app, it should have a great graphics. No feature attracts players to a game more than fantastic graphics. This is what makes the gameplay immersive. 
In conclusion, if you can apply all the tips above in the design, development, and management of your Android app, you will have higher chances of success.

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Kenneth Evans

Kenneth Evans is a Content Marketing Strategist for Top App Development Companies, a research platform for top app development companies in USA, UK, India, UAE, Australia and around the world. He has been contributing to various blogging platforms and Forums.