A Guide from Link Building to Link Earning

  • By Kashish Mehta
  • 28-07-2022
  • SEO
link building

Are you ready to create amazing content and cultivate relationships that encourage people to share it? Here are five tried-and-true link-building strategies.

To build a high-quality backlink profile, you must shift your focus from link building to link earning.

Earning links entails creating trustworthy, awesome content and aggressively promoting it.

The public perceives link building as a negative discipline due to Google instilling fear in link builders with the Penguin reboot and penalizing well-known companies.

Check out Google's John Mueller's response to a webmaster's question, "Is link building good in any way?" This Google Hangout is for you. "In general, I'd try to avoid that," he says.

However, as content marketing becomes more popular, I see a shift in how SEO professionals develop an off-site SEO strategy in digital marketing.

Why Do You Want to Earn Links?

This is a frequently asked question by my clients.

What is the worth of a hyperlink?
Why do I want these prospects to link to me?

Increase Traffic

Organic link building increases the traffic to your website.

More visitors will arrive as a result of a link from another website.

A link does not guarantee conversion, the purchase of goods, or social shares; that is the website's job.

Brand Awareness

You get more exposure when someone links to you.

Therefore, if you get a link in the New York Times, many more people will probably see it.
You likely won't get much exposure if you get a link on a small blog.

But if it's your target market, it's worthwhile.

Search Engines Care About Links

As much as we would like to accept the myth that links are irrelevant, it is simply untrue.
Search engines will boost your brand if other reliable websites link to you because links add authority, trust, and value to your brand.
It's more effective to look at the big picture when switching from labor-intensive link-building strategies to earned links.

A content strategy can provide you with a structured way to evaluate the value you offer, who is listening, and where to distribute it. As you may have heard, "content is king."

Long-term success will be most impacted by creating a strong content strategy that incorporates link earning into the promotional phase.

Earning links is not a marketing strategy. The actual links are earned based on your community's perception of you.

How do you facilitate relationships that encourage people to share your content in addition to producing amazing content?

In Creating Awesome Content, Strategy is Everything

what can use several marketing strategies to increase website traffic:

drip email campaigns
Community leadership.
PPC advertisements.
The list goes on.

Create a strategy before you launch a campaign to have the content it needs to be successful.
It makes a difference.

The first step in creating content for link earning is to develop a strategy.
Whom are you trying to reach?
What sources do you want to use for links?
What are your rivals up to?

Keep all of these in mind when creating a successful link-earning strategy.

How to Create a Roadmap for Link Earning

Making choices about your content requires developing a link-building strategy.
However, how do you choose where to begin?

You can process the kind of content that generates the most links and engages your audience effectively by studying your competitors and talking to your customers.

Link earning depends on having a system for research, content mapping, and promotion.
The four-step strategy for converting content into links is as follows:

1. Research

Finding data-driven information about your audience and competitors to produce actionable takeaways is one of the hallmarks of developing your strategy.
I enter a keyword I want to rank for in the search box to find competitor information (using incognito) quickly.

I'll choose from the top five to eight rivals listed, ignoring the major players like Facebook and Amazon product pages.

I then gather data by entering those URLs into link-building tools (like Moz and Ahrefs).

You can view the pages of that site that are most frequently linked to, for instance, in Moz.

I'll list the top 10 articles that each rival is linking to.

What will then add my competitor's URL to BuzzSumo? The top 10 articles that are shared will be noted.

You can also "View Sharers" on BuzzsSumo, which is a great way to start expanding your persona discovery list.

I'll build my personas once I've gathered all of my data.

I'll use the data from Google Analytics, BuzzSumo, and social media to define demographics, goals and challenges, values, and any other insights I may find.

2. Creative

A fantastic tool for content message mapping is available in Mindmeister.

This tool aids me in defining my message clearly for the content I want to publish.

Your strategy's gaps will be revealed by content mapping as well.

I have now started using Trello to create my editorial calendar. I allow myself the freedom to generate as many ideas as possible using the tools I gathered during the research stage.

To keep it organized, I'll pair each idea with a relevant keyword phrase.

After Trello is organized, I'll start matching my content with design concepts.

I make an effort to connect the dots for each image purposefully.

For an interview article, for instance, would a video or podcast be ideal? Or how about an ebook or infographic for a research-based piece?

I'll also choose the kinds of content upgrades I can include with each article.

3. Promotion

I will go through my content promotion workflow after writing the article. Once more, this procedure is listed on Trello.

I'll start by going through my on-site SEO checklist. There is used for the standard meta descriptions, alt tags, H1 tags, etc.

As soon as I click "Publish," I add my articles to social bookmarking services and respond to any crucial comments on Quora or Reddit.

Then, for a little extra love, I'll email the SEJ team with pre-populated tweets and links to the social bookmarking websites.

The article will then be scheduled in Buffer to go live on Twitter three to four times over the following week or so, as well as once each on Facebook and LinkedIn.

I also plan to spend $50 to $100 on social media ads, depending on the direction my personas are taking.

Then I'll schedule an email newsletter to my audience with a pre-populated tweet for a specific blog post.

Bonus tip: Set up Google Alerts for the article's long-term growth as a bonus tip.

4. Measurement

After pressing "Publish," you should begin monitoring your metrics.

How does promoting your content help with brand awareness, link building, social media sharing, or the bottom line?

In one of my favorite SlideShare decks, Jay Baer discusses content marketing metrics. These metrics are divided into four groups by Baer:

Metrics on content consumption: How many people watched, downloaded, or listened to this?
Metrics for sharing: How popular is this content, and how frequently is it spread?
Lead-gen metrics: How frequently does reading content lead to a lead?
Sales metrics: Did this content generate any revenue for us?

Within the sharing metrics, you can also track the number of links each piece of content generates from month to month.

This spreadsheet is what I use to keep track of my metrics.

High-quality content is important, but if you don't develop a plan that effectively uses social media shares and link building, you're wasting your time.

In light of this, let's examine a few fundamental link-building strategies to consider when developing your content strategy.

5 Link Earning Ideas to Try

By this point, link earning has established itself as more than a one-trick pony for securing natural positioning in the SERPs.

Link earning takes time to develop.

It takes time to establish connections, join a group, and create content worth sharing.
Here are some suggestions for link-building initiatives to try:

1. Data-Backed, Long-Form Resources

The top-rated posts had an average word count of more than 2,000, according to a SERP IQ study of the top 10 search results.

I don't suggest that you hold yourself to these length requirements, though. Each piece of content should be appropriate for your audience.

However, you can assist people by producing useful content supported by statistics, quotes from reliable sources, or your data.

Five hundred sixty-four linking root domains are present in this single article as a result of independent research.

Take Vero's article, "40 Tips for Dramatically Better Emails," as an illustration.
More than 8,000 social media shares, 161 linking root domains, and a Page Authority of 44 are all present for this article.

What makes this composition so effective?
It's extremely well-written and well-researched, with a word count of over 8,000.
A real-world example supports each tip, and the design is simple.
It offers relevant details for crucial points.

Audiences targeted by Vero's email marketing can benefit from its content.

What can also apply this style to interview-style content or ego bait?

Interviewing upcoming top tech company entrepreneurs is something Groove excels at. Wade Foster, the CEO of Zapier, collaborated with them to write an article with 70 linking root domains, 1,500+ social shares, and a Page Authority of 44.

2. A How-To Guide

Guides, tutorials, ebooks, and how-tos all produce worthwhile content that aids in drawing in and converting potential clients.

People start to trust you when you start educating them.

Eventually, links and income come from trust.

Look at the collaboration between KISSmetrics and Chupamobile. Who made a lead generation page because they required a conversion incentive for their emails. Right away, the page had a 44 percent conversion rate.

Or try this repair manual. This article currently has 13,841 social shares, 31 linking root domains, and a Page Authority of 74. How does this function?

The interactive elements engage the audience.

Customers are happier due to the content's ability to help them with their issues.

3. Engaging Visuals

Compared to content without relevant images, relevant content receives 94% more views.
Your digital story is built with interesting visual content.

The Nutella to your peanut butter is visual content. It simply isn't that good without it.

4. Community Building

It takes time, authority, and trust to create a delightful community around your brand.
Many things are represented in your community:
your brand.
The ideal client.
Your constant source of assistance

They persuade other people to use your goods or services. When you're not there, they represent your company's voice and help you reach a wider audience.

Sephora created a forum for its customers. With 1,173 social shares, 23 linking root domains, and a Page Authority of 54.

Within 24 hours, Groove Built received 1,000+ subscribers from a single blog post. Thirty-two linking root domains, 2,197 social shares, and a Page Authority of 49 are all currently present for this article.

Where did they succeed?
Groove is open and truthful, and they post actual data in their posts.
They converse with their customers inside the post.
The post contains a few scattered examples of content upgrades.

5. Tools

The creation of tools or tests will extend your brand.

These frequently call for a user to engage with your content.

Both the brand and the user will enjoy the fun, personalized experience.

You must thoroughly understand your audience's demographics and needs to accomplish this.
HubSpot essentially created the concept of using tools for inbound marketing.

Their website marketing grader has a Page Authority of 79 and 313 generational linking root domains. Why does this function?

Before they can play, users must enter their email addresses. Already have a lead generation tool!
It provides users with information tailored to them based on their website.

Why Link Earning Matters

Earning links is still a challenge. However, many people are experimenting with legal ways to gain high-quality links.

It's time for SEO experts to band together to create the link-building foundation necessary for businesses to grow naturally in search engines.


We hope you enjoyed our blog post about how to build a solid link-building process which is a part of online digital marketing. Our article includes a step-by-step manual on how to build a comprehensive link-building campaign for your website.

The amount of traffic you will be able to generate from your link building is limitless- that's why we recommend giving it a try! Keep these tips in mind as you build your list, and you will succeed in no time!

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Kashish Mehta

This post is published by Kashish Mehta.