Important Content Writing Tips For Better SEO

  • By Jasmine Pope
  • 17-03-2022
  • SEO
important content writing tips for better seo
Writing content is the heart of any successful blogging strategy. However, some find it challenging to make their content stand out and get readers talking about it. In this blog post, we will share 15+ incredibly valuable content writing tips for better SEO. These tips can help you write amazing articles that engage your audience and make search engines love them.

15+ Essential Content Writing Tips To Boost Your SEO:

We all know that content writing is crucial for your website (and for SEO). But, with all the other things you need to do for your business, it can be hard to find the time to craft high-quality content.
Luckily, there are a few key strategies that can help an expert essay writerto write engaging and informative content quickly. With these strategies in mind, you can get the most out of your writing time and boost your search rankings while you’re at it.
We've included 15+ incredibly valuable content writing tips for better SEO below.

1. Start off with a catchy headline:

- The headline of your article or blog post is the first thing readers will see when they come across your page. 
- A great headline will help hook readers into reading the rest of your article; a poor one will send them scurrying away as fast as possible!
- When it comes to headlines, straightforward is often best: that means short, simple sentences that get right to the point.

2. Make Your Content More Readable:

- Writing in a more conversational tone makes it easier for people to read and understand your content.
- Write the way you speak, but don't make the mistake of writing like you're texting or talking on social media.
- Write out long words where possible and avoid using abbreviations like "u" for "you" or "b4" for "before."
- It's fine to use contractions, but don't overdo it; there's no reason to write things the way they would appear in a text message or a tweet.

3. Find Out What Your Users Want:

- It’s not enough to just know your target audience. You need to know what they want.
- The best way to find out what your users want is by asking them directly – which is exactly what we did in one of our blog posts about how we structure our content marketingprocess.
Here’s the gist of how we did it:
- Create a survey using Google Forms or Survey Monkey (free).
- Ask people in your target audience what type of content they want to see from you.
- Give them 3-5 options like “product reviews” or “industry news” so that you can get a better sense of their preferences.

4. Write for Humans First:

- The best content is content that people actually want to read.
- If your content is basic or boring, it’s not going to attract many readers.
- Write with your audience in mind.
- Don’t write only for search engines; write for people who might want to use your product or service and want to learn more about it online.
- Content that is written solely with search engine ranking in mind can sound…well, robotic and boring.

5. Research Keywords Thoroughly:

- Keyword research is an absolute must if you want your content to rank well in search engines.
- You can use keyword research tools such as Google AdWords Keyword Tool or Word Tracker.
- It is to best determine which keywords will work best in your content.
- Once you've identified your best keywords, be sure to use them wisely throughout your content.

6. Choose High-Volume, Low Competition Keywords:

- Ideally, you should choose high-volume keywords with low competition whenever possible (though this is not always the case). 
- If you do end up choosing keywords with high competition, be prepared to spend even more time on your link-building efforts.
- You can check both volume and competition by using Google AdWords Keyword Tool.

7. Visual Marketing:

- Format your content to make it easy to read and digest while increasing time on page and unique pageviews per visitor: images, video, SlideShare presentations, infographics, quotes, etc.
- Videos are the number one way to increase your SEO ranking.
- Both YouTube and Google love videos, so make sure you have a video on your website as they will be indexed quickly by both.

8. Guest Blogging:

- Create guest blog posts on other websites to drive leads back to your site.
- This is a great way to network with other entrepreneurs while driving a ton of traffic back to your website.
- When you write content for another site make sure you link back to yourself so that you can build authority and relevance.
- For instance, there is a lot of competition inthe academic niche.
- They cannot survive without boosted SEO.
- Sometimes, their best-writtenargumentative essay conclusionor research proposals make them popular among readers.
- However, it cannot happen every time. So, they do guest posting by outreach.

9. Add Internal Links in the Article:

- Internal links are important for search engine optimization because they tell search engine crawlers to visit a specific page on the website. 
- Mostly, internal links are categorized as internal hyperlinks, which are used to direct the searcher to a specific web page and give it priority over other pages on the website.

10. Use Synonyms or LSI Keywords in the Post:

- As Google has moved towards more natural language processing, it has become more important than ever to avoid keyword stuffing.
- Over-optimizing your content can actually negatively impact your site’s ranking and cost you traffic.
- Using synonyms and related LSI Keywordscan help you avoid this trap.
- Place your most important keywords as close to the beginning of your title tag as possible (or at least within the first 160 characters).
- Using a keyword in the headline increases the click-through rate for that keyword by 39%.

11. Use long-tail keywords in the article:

- Long-tail keywords are terms that are very specific and contain at least three words.
- They have less competition and give you a better chance of getting ranked higher in the search results.
- Long-tail keywords are important because they are less competitive and often convert better than short-tail keywords (keywords with two or fewer words).

12. Write better bullets, with more than 4 items in a listicle:

Take a look at this list:
- Eggs
- Milk
- Bread
- Coffee beans
It's not very interesting, is it? But add one more item: sugar... and suddenly it becomes much more compelling:
- Eggs
- Milk
- Bread
- Coffee beans
- Sugar
In fact, adding one more item to a listicle can increase engagement by 21%. So, if you've got five or six points on your list already, add another! You'll keep people reading—and hopefully sharing—your post.

13. Have a clear call-to-action (CTA) on all pages/posts:

- Every page and post on your website should have a call to action.
- A CTA is a link or button that once clicked takes the user to another page or does something else, like open a form.
- Whatever the action, it needs to be clear.
For example:
- "Learn more" isn't as clear as "See how we can help you" or "Start your free trial."
- "Buy now" or "Add to cart" is better than "Shop now", because it's not the shopping experience you're directing them to, it's buying things.
14. Optimize Every Post and Every Page:
- Use a tool like Yoast SEO or all in One SEO Pack to add meta descriptions to every page, add alt tags to every image, make sure you have a good title tag on each page, etc.

15. Include Social Sharing Buttons:

- Most bloggers don't realize this simple fact: social media isn't just about sharing content; it's also about encouraging others to share it too!
- Adding social sharing buttons at strategic places throughout your blog posts will increase traffic.

16. Add Authority Links:

- Link to other people’s content when appropriate. 
- Don’t forget to include links to your own older posts/pages on every new piece of content you create (this will increase the average time on the page and reduce bounce rate).

17. Stay True to Your Brand Voice:

- We are sure you've heard this one before and we know we sound like a broken record but it's important so we'll say it again.
- Your content needs to stay consistent with your brand voice and tone.
- Your blog posts don't have to be written exactly like your product descriptions.
- But they should use similar language and terms that users/customers would expect from your brand.
- This makes for a better overall experience for the reader and makes it easier for them to determine if what you offer is right for them.


Content writing is a key component in SEO success. However, a successful strategy to develop valuable and relevant content requires a lot of knowledge and experience in the field. We have gathered some great tips which can help you become a good content writer and develop successful SEO strategies.

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Jasmine Pope

Jasmine Pope is a best-selling author and a expert essay writer. Her blogs have been described as, "easy to read, fun and informative." Jasmine is an expert on the topic of SEO and has been featured in several media outlets.