SEO Approaches You Should Try Today

  • By Naman Modi
  • 19-09-2020
  • SEO

For those who feel SEO is a complicated affair, let me tell you it’s not that intricate. It is a practice wired to increase the quantity and quality of your organic traffic. Everyone with a business website needs SEO. The whole essence of search engine optimization is to help you get the right people who are genuinely interested in your offering. That’s why most people will seek the services of the San Diego SEO company and others. However, please try the below SEO approaches that can guide you:

Check what is slowing your site’s speed
Speed is one of the best SEO approaches you can do as it is one of Google’s ranking factors that can send a wrong signal. Honestly, it would help if you found what is slowing your page load. It will not only put off consumers but might send an untrustworthy gesture. It is an experience that most people can relate to, including me. Who has the patience of waiting for a page to open while you can opt for so many alternatives? A study carried by eConsultancy proves this fact as they found 40 percent of users abandon a site that took more than 3 secs.

Several things might be slowing your page- starting from large images to poorly written codes. Use a useful tool like Google’s Page Speed Insight, which will help find your site’s score. Although sometimes it can be challenging to diagnose the cause of a slow site without an expert. However, you can contact the San Diego SEO company and get your website fixed ASAP from this critical problem. You will find their services worth since you don’t want Google to ding your site.

Don’t shy to link to authoritative websites
Does link building count in SEO? Oh, yes, it does. It is one of the smart SEO approaches you need to take. But please first check if the sites have relevant content. You can even link to your competitors and those with the same niche and an authoritative site. Doing this will attract traffic and expose your page to a different and broader audience. It is likely to add value to your site and become a scalable resource.

Put your focus on humans
When you do this, it means you are more concerned about what your audience needs from your content more than what the search engine will find on your site. But guess what? When you impress your user with quality content, it gives the search engines the right signals to good ranking. Instead of manipulating the search engines with black hat metrics, write compelling and useful content for the user. Of course, you want to engage your audience for the sake of high conversion. Right?

Should you encourage inbound links?
Did I hear someone say that backlinks are one of SEO ranking lifeblood? And there goes your answer. First, you must understand that people have to check if you offer high-quality, engaging, and useful content before linking to your site. But if they show interest, it means you scored well in these factors. Nevertheless, also factor the relevance of their site before you accept the links.

The reason why you should embrace this SEO approach; the San Diego SEO company and other experts suggest it as a valuable signal to the search engine. And the more links you get from other authoritative sites, it shows you are worthy of their great content. At the same time, the search engines view this as popularity votes for you. In essence, it tells them that you have authority on the subject at hand. Raising trust and showing a useful and trustworthy website.

Use comprehensible URLs
Help your audience read and understand the URLs on your site. It is crucial because if the users don’t comprehend the URL, the search engines won’t get it either. That’s because they follow the direction of the user. According to Brian Clark, people should focus on structure and use 2-4 words in their URLs. It makes the URL memorable and easy to type. The search engine will also understand it easily.

Update and republish your old content
Although adding evergreen content to your site is superb, it’s easier to update and renew your previous articles. Right? Small actions like tweaking your old blog post’s headline and date can have a positive impact. What you can do is find a popular keyword related to your article, and make the change. Google loves newness, and they will read this as fresh content. Adding internal links to your previous content keeps your readers engrossed and creates dwell time that sends a great signal to Google.

Opt for longer content
It’s true how they say the longer, the better. It takes us to a study done showing 1 million Google results, had an average word count of 1,890 on the first page. And why does Google value them? It shows that you are offering comprehensive information to your user, sending an emotional switch of shareability. A lengthy content has a high probability of eliciting awe, unlike a short one.

In conclusion, please tell us which SEO approach you will try today. Will you start encouraging authoritative sites? Or focus more on humans than machines? If you want to see drastic changes to your business site, you will be smart enough to embrace the above practices. And mind you, SEO is a serious business and very crucial to help your business scale on top. So, if you find the procedure tedious, the San Diego SEO company might be a perfect solution for your needs.

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Naman Modi

Naman Modi is a Professional Blogger, SEO Expert & Guest blogger at ebuilderz, He is an Award Winning Freelancer & Web Entrepreneur helping new entrepreneur’s launches their first successful online business.