8 Marketing Automation Workflows Perfect For Nurturing Your Customers

  • By Yoroflow Team
  • 14-06-2023
  • Trends
8 marketing automation workflows perfect for nurturing your customers
The success of any business lies in its ability to build strong relationships with customers. To achieve this, effective customer nurturing is crucial. Marketing automation workflows offer a powerful solution to automate and personalize customer interactions at scale. In this article, we will explore seven marketing automation workflows that are perfect for nurturing your customers. From welcome series to re-engagement campaigns, these workflows will help you create meaningful and long-lasting connections with your audience.
We all live in a crucial period where businesses compete to get the target audiences' first preferences. And you know what? If you are already running your business on a digital platform, you are well ahead of time. If you are still in the offline mode, then there is a lot you have to shift gears and get into the race - the sooner, the better. So what’s the way out? Let us discover it together. Before we head into those topics, we must discuss what automation is and how it can transform your business - what its contribution is, and finally, how to get along with it. Sounds exciting, isn't it? 
Let’s start the drill. 

What is Marketing Automation? 

If you talk about automation, it is everything for your business. No matter what your business niche is, automation's common objective for your business is to automate your most tedious and repetitive tasks, help your resources to utilize well, focus more on the core business aspects, streamline operations, and a lot more. When we say automation, relying on the best marketing workflows is essential. Because it defines where you can take your business with the power of automation, it is all about defining the best workflows and keeping close and monitoring them so that it does not get stuck anywhere. Ultimately, it should yield better results for your growth. 

What Can Automation Do For Your Business? 

If you doubt that automation cannot make a big difference, you are wrong. The best way to define it would be to understand what growth levels it can contribute to your business in simplifying all your operations
Here are some of the best ways you can utilize and feel the difference of marketing automation for your business: 
Enhanced efficiency: Everyone wants the processes to be efficient and result-oriented. So, getting you closer, the marketing automation workflows are responsible. 
Increased productivity: When we say productivity, it means a lot for your growth. If you can do much more and better than how it used to be, it matters a lot. So, getting higher productivity and more efficiency is the core of automation for any business niche. 
Automate your tedious task: We all work like robots at times. So, the best way to cope with this is to properly define your workflows and automate the princesses that consume most of your time. Doing so lets you focus on many other core business operations. 
Streamline your business operations: When you can automate most of your princesses, you get time to sit back and analyze—the good for good and the bad for bad. Sit and optimize those processes that are not delivering the results you want. By doing so, you get proper control of the business operations and a chance to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your businesses amidst the high competition. 

What Are Some Of The Major Marketing Automation Worlds? 

Before we get into the workflows, we must know that every business is unique, and the processes would also be unique. But we all strive to get the common objective - get the most with the least cost. Right? 
So automation is the way that helps you cut down your costs and focus more on your automation workflows so that you get the best in no time. Sounds great? 
Let us look at some of the major marketing workflows businesses can rely on and bring the difference for you. It may be industry-specific, but the common goal remains the same. Let us get into it. 

#1  Welcome workflows

This is very simple. We all know when we register somewhere, what do we expect? Do we not expect a reply from them as soon as we register? Yes, it is completely human-centric. So, in the same way, when a potential lead submits the registration on your website, it is your responsibility to welcome them to your business family. That is a great way to show gratitude and respect to the leader who has shown some interest in your business amidst your competitors. Are you getting excited? 
Yes, automation is the best way to get you there. Initiate and configure your Welcome Workflows and start engaging with your lead. We are sure you will start discovering amazing results from day one. 

#2 Lead nurturing workflow 

Yes, this is equally important as the welcome workflows. Lead nurturing is the process that plays a vital role when the leads do not get converted at the first go, and it is frequently engaged with the nurturing emails. Nurturing plays a vital role in every marketing endeavor. Because we must understand that not every lead would be sales-ready, the leads not converted in the first phase should be properly engaged with the brand, and the entire workflow can be automated and pre-configured. The important thing to remember while configuring the lead nurturing workflows is that you never expect it to convert into sales in the initial phases. So the communication should be based on engagement, and the Call to action during the nurturing stage should be personalized. This would help you establish a very good relationship with the lead, and someday they would get converted.  
If you have questions as to what leads come into this nurturing bucket? It is very simple - leads registered on your website or other platforms have not yet been converted. Or it can be the leads that downloaded your collateral but received no response. It can even be someone who has clicked on your Call to action but vanished. There might be many reasons why leads may register but may not convert. So lead nurturing is one of the best ways in CRM automation to bring back the leads that would otherwise approach your competitors.  
Are you confused about whether you need to start it today or not? Well, do not overthink; check out tools like Yoroflow an all-in-one marketing automation tool that helps you to decide on the workflows and their automation. Business growth and success can be all yours! 

#3 Abandoned carts workflow 

Well, this may sound typical for an e-commerce industry. We have to say about it because the trends for these workflows are on the rise. Marketing and Sales automation has taken a long way ahead of time. We need to keep an extra eye on when we shop online. In case you have found some interesting products and have added them to your cart. Unfortunately, you may forget to shop and checkout. There are these cart abandonment workflows that help you bring back the customers. Over 80% of these workflows have proven results, per the latest e-commerce industry statistics. So the fact is always traveling with the target audience - know what they do, understand their feelings, and get into their mindset in the best way you can and keep your brand the best of the best focus for them. 

#4 Re-engagement Campaigns

Customers who have become inactive or disengaged require special attention. Re-engagement campaigns are designed to bring these customers back into the fold. Through automated workflows, you can send tailored messages, offers, or incentives to reignite their interest and encourage them to take action. By re-engaging dormant customers, you have the opportunity to regain their loyalty and potentially turn them into active advocates for your brand.
Personalized Recommendations Personalization is key to effective marketing. Automated workflows can analyze customer data to deliver personalized product recommendations based on browsing history, purchase behavior, and demographic information. By tailoring recommendations to each customer's preferences and needs, you can provide a more relevant and engaging experience, increasing the chances of repeat purchases and long-term loyalty.

#5 Upsell workflows 

This is exclusively for the business, and this can be run for the existing customer database. When your customers come for another purchase, your service is excellent, and they like it. So, there is a scene of upsell where you try to sell the next consecutive product or service to them so that they become your trusted customers. Eventually, these customers can even be converted into evangelists who can bring many referrals for your business. Referrals from existing customers would work wonders. Because, again, the trust factors and the experience are the key secrets to getting this. So, if you feel that awesome customers are still looking for more help, you can start running the upsell workflows to them so that they remain with you - being happy and satisfied with your product/service. 

#6 Feedback Workflows 

Feedback is important for everyone. No matter what, it helps you grow. When you run the feedback surveys and workflows, you only know what your customers want and what they get from you. It would allow you to render your services better and work based on customer preferences. So, feedback surveys are an integral part of every business, and, exclusively when discussing sales or marketing automation, it is a must. Email marketing workflows are commonly utilized for these purposes, but they can also be done on platform-specific channels. If you have not yet initiated it, it is the best time to start with the feedback workflows. Customer feedback and reviews are valuable assets for any business. Marketing automation workflows can automate the process of collecting feedback and requesting reviews from customers. By sending timely and targeted emails, you can encourage customers to share their experiences, provide valuable insights, and generate positive reviews. This social proof not only helps attract new customers but also strengthens trust and credibility among your existing audience.

#7 Topic-based workflows 

Topic-based workflows are a strategic approach to managing and organizing work tasks based on specific topics or subjects. This methodology allows teams to streamline their processes, enhance collaboration, and improve overall efficiency. By structuring workflows around topics, rather than traditional hierarchical structures or rigid project plans, organizations can adapt more easily to changing priorities and allocate resources more effectively.
One of the key benefits of topic-based workflows is the ability to break down complex projects into manageable chunks. Instead of overwhelming teams with an extensive list of tasks, the focus is on addressing individual topics or sub-topics one at a time. This approach promotes clarity and ensures that team members can fully immerse themselves in a specific area, fostering a deeper understanding and expertise. Additionally, it enables parallel workstreams, where different teams can work on different topics simultaneously, increasing productivity and reducing bottlenecks.

#8 Purchase reminder 

The customer experience extends beyond the point of purchase.. Post-purchase follow-up workflows allow you to continue engaging with customers after they've made a purchase. By sending automated thank-you emails, order confirmations, and post-purchase recommendations, you can enhance customer satisfaction, encourage reviews, and foster loyalty. These workflows also provide an opportunity to gather valuable feedback and address any potential issues promptly. This is also for e-commerce, and it can be for other businesses too. Again, it reminds you of your last purchase or the step before purchase where the lead closure was about to be made. This also often helps you bring back your forgotten or abandoned customers. Again, nurturing and email marketing plays a crucial role here.


Marketing automation workflows offer a powerful way to nurture your customers and build lasting relationships. By leveraging these seven workflows - the welcome series, abandoned cart recovery, upsell/cross-sell campaigns, re-engagement campaigns, post-purchase follow-up, personalized recommendations, and customer feedback/review requests - you can automate and personalize your customer interactions, driving engagement, loyalty, and revenue. Embrace the power of marketing automation and take your customer-nurturing efforts to new heights. If you are into business, you must get into the digital landscape and understand the market space better. Relying on the best marketing automation platform, like Yoroflow, would give you excellent opportunities to discover new peaks for your business. 

Last Updated in May 2024

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Yoroflow Team

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